Anything that exists in nature is by definition natural.
Extending the same logic, anything that is possible in nature is also natural.
I see the “unnatural” argument thrown around with little concern for intelligence or logic in almost all LGBT debates. It’s pretty baseless.
Ironically enough, the use of this argument is also natural, because sadly, such an argument does exist in the real world.
Unnatural Entities
If you really want to know things which are unnatural, you have to delve into your imagination (or that of others). That’s the only place where unnatural entities exist.
However, from a metaphysical point of view, even these imaginations (and everything else) can be termed natural, since they exist in us, a physical entity.
Nevertheless, we’ll restrict ourselves to the real world here.
From a scientific perspective, nothing that exists is unnatural. In other words, everything that exists is natural.
What about Artificiality?
The same can be said about artificially created things; those which are the products of intentional human efforts.
We can force the definition of artificial to mean only such things (and it does have a lot of varied meanings), but in general usage it’s the antonym of natural. This usage doesn’t hold up to scrutiny.
Everything is 100% Natural
We are part of the nature. Whatever we create is also part of the nature. Hence, even human-made things are natural in the purest sense.
As a result, artificial sweetener, artificial heart, and artificial intelligence are all natural too.
There shouldn’t be any conflict between artificiality and naturalness. In the end, they’re all part of the same whole.
Of Dams and Nests
Canada’s national animal, the North American beaver, is a smart little creature. This species is popular mainly for one reason: the Beaver dam.
These dams are built by beavers to protect themselves from predators and get better access to food during winter.
So, are these dams natural or artificial?
A beaver dam is not built by humans, yet there’s nothing inherently natural about it. At least not in the way the word natural is used regularly.
A few beavers had to band together, collect raw materials, cooperate, and build this crude-yet-effective dam.
If humans want to built a dam, they follow the same pattern.
Both the beaver dam and the human-built dam are natural.
The same can be said about nests built by birds. Most nests are pretty basic dwellings, but some are exquisite and require months of hard work.
Aren’t our homes, apartments, and workplaces just an extension of the same?
Hence, the term natural (and artificial) has little to no practical relevance.